JavaScript, Mobile Apps, Web Apps

Anecoop is a system that supports acquisition and sale of selected products.

Our solution

Anecoop is a project consisting of two applications: web app and mobile app. The goal of the system is to support the sale of goods from any location. The application aggregates buy/sell offers in one place, which is a convenient solution for the representatives of the companies.

The web application is a basic administration tool that allows to create user accounts and set permission type depending on performed work. Each added offer is displayed in the application in realtime, that is without having to constantly refresh the page. Each offer after a set period of time is placed in the archive allowing analysis of user activity, sales/purchase categories, search by description for the selected time period. The web application is designed to be displayed on a dedicated TV set upright.

The mobile application allows the user to login from any location that has an internet access, and installation is possible on three most popular mobile systems: Android, Windows Phone, iOS. The mobile application communicates with the web application through an API. We implemented the offer voice input to increase work productivity and comfort.

Technologies we used

When creating Anecoop, we used following technologies: